

年度 單位 獲獎人 獎項 論文名稱
110年 休閒產業經營學系 陳成業教授等 優等 A mixed approach to investigating public acceptance of elite sport policy in Taiwan: antecedents and prediction
競技與教練科學研究所 陳尹華助理教授等 優等 Nonlinear engagement of action observation network underlying action anticipation in players with different levels of expertise
國際體育事務碩士學位學程 陳龍弘教授等 甲等 The Differential Interaction Effect of Mastery and Performance Climate on Athletes' Emotional and Physical Exhaustion: The Role of Athletes' Gratitude
運動與科學研究所 張淳皓助理教授徐藝洳助理教授、許志文副教授、
佳作 Reliability and validity of the physical
activity monitor for assessing energy
expenditures in sedentary, regularly
exercising, non-endurance athlete, and
endurance athlete adults
競技與教練科學研究所 湯文慈教授等 佳作 Effect of stance width on posture stability of golfers putting under windy conditions
國際體育事務碩士學位學程 陳龍弘教授等 佳作 High income but high stress: Cross over effects of work and family role conflict in professional athletes and their partners